
Balance Basics: Free Mini Balance Course!

8 Lessons Easy

What You Will Learn:

Free balance basics mini course!

You will learn:

  • a simple 5 step process to improve your balance
  • two balance tests you can do at home today
  • how your balance stacks up against other people your age
  • two exercises that can help improve your balance as soon as tonight!

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Course Structure

Free Course--Register to Access

How Does Balance Work? 5 Lessons

Welcome to Sound Balance Free Balance Mini Course!

We'll get to know each other and understand what's in this course and what else Sound Balance can do for you!

How Does Balance Work? (High Level View)

Just how does your balance work from a high level view? Later we'll go into the individual parts. 5-step system for improving balance (or anything else).

Balance Inputs

How does your body sense where you are in space? What are the inputs your body is paying attention to in order to keep you stable? How does balance work?

Balance Processing and Motor Planning

How does your brain process the inputs and make a plan for how to respond?

Balance Outputs: You’re Falling…What Now?

Now that you've sensed yourself tipping over and your brain has processed and sent out a movement plan, how does your body respond? What do you need to be able to keep yourself up on your feet?
Free Course--Register to Access

Testing Your Balance and Improving 3 Lessons

Single Limb Stance

The first test we'll do is single limb stance. Find out how you compare to other people your age and learn a simple method for improving your balance!

Strength Testing and Improvement

Do you know?...How does your strength compare to other men and women your age? Find out how you compare and the simple thing you can do every day to improve your leg strength and mobility!

How You Can Get Better Faster!

Learn how you can improve your balance and health faster!