Your Member Course Support

We want to serve you in the easiest, most human way possible! So there is no complex customer service process. We are here to help you.

If you are having a problem with course access or have any questions, just send us an email right away at [email protected]. We'll do our best to get back with you on the next business day. 

If you need help sooner, give us a call at 253-282-2326. This is the clinic phone number, so you may get our receptionist or a voicemail, either way be sure to clearly state that you are having trouble with an online course and we'll get your problem fixed as soon as possible. 

Of course our goal is to make sure that you have no trouble accessing our courses, so if you are having a problem, please let us know right away! You might not be the only one having this problem and the sooner we fix it the better it is for everyone (especially you!). 

Thanks again for all your help and the opportunity to serve you!
